• We have a four week rotating menu which you will receive upon registration. We provide a morning and afternoon snack and each snack has items from two categories in the Canada Food Guide. We also provide a full course meal for children attending all day. These lunches have items from each of the categories on the Canada Food guide and all of our meals and snacks are approved by our government appointed Early Learning Consultant (who is also the government appointed agent that approves our license).
  • We are peanut free facility.
  • We are a licensed food service provider and inspected bi-annually by the health department..


  • We follow all the heath and safety protocols as set out by our licensing mandates. We are inspected by our licensing agent 4 times a year and health and fire also inspect us once a year.
  • All staff are required to complete and to stay current with first aid and c.p.r. certification.

WELlness policy

  • Our wellness policy was developed according to the “Management Of Illness In Children and Staff in N.B. Child Daycares” and our exclusions follow both our wellness policy and the “New Brunswick Child Day Care Facility Exclusion Reference Guide”. A copy of our wellness policy will be provided along with our registration forms.

A full copy of our policies will be available upon request

Staff requirments

  • All staff are required to complete many reference checks along with a police, venerable sector and the governments Family Services checks.
  • All staff are trained in standard first aid and infant c.p.r.
  • We meet and exceed the staff requiring Early Childcare Education.
  • New staff are not left alone with any child until they have been employed by us for three months.
  • All staff are required to complete the training for the N.B. Emergency Curriculum Framework.
  • Supervisors must have completed their Early Childhood Education.
  • All staff must treat children and parents with respect and must show an appreciation for working with children.